Thank you Michael T for requesting this topic of discussion.
An awful lot begins with using and understanding the condition book. Most of us have heard people say ” that trainer is really good with the condition book” or ” he writes a good book.” The condition book is often seen sticking out of the back pocket of both trainers and jockey agents.
Southern California trainer has an in depth discussion with co host Jonathan Stettin on the condition book, how trainers read and use it, how jockey agents read and use it and what the two statements above really mean.
The past performances for any race start with the conditions of the race, and it is not a bad idea for the handicapper to begin there as well. Over the years, primarily to increase and maintain field sizes racing secretaries have become quite creative in writing conditions to make as many horses as possible eligible for a race.
As always Jon and Jeff take you Past the Wire. We even have one of the toughest bad beat stories you’ll hear anywhere, one for the ages so to speak. A bold statement, sure, but you gotta hear this one.
Thank you for tuning in. Sit back and enjoy the show:
Photo: Santa Anita