Current Tag: Mountaineer

Latest Horse Racing News

Statement from the West Virginia Racing Commission

POSTED: October 19, 2019

The West Virginia Racing Commission is reviewing and investigating the circumstances surrounding the recent incident involving a race horse at Mountaineer Park. All horses, including...

Latest Horse Racing News

Mountaineer And The Questions We Need Answers To

POSTED: October 16, 2019

REVISED It would be surprising if there are many racing fans by now who are not aware of recent developments and allegations at Mountaineer Racetrack. A...


Nuggets For Simulcast Betting

POSTED: July 23, 2019

Cliff Notes for Simulcast Betting By Mike Valiante I am old enough to remember the days at the track that not only were pre-internet, but...


How to Increase Handle

POSTED: June 24, 2019

If I had a $1 for every word tweeted, posted, spoken or written about Santa Anita and the proposed reforms for that track I could...



Good Work here, particularly this, which is being missed by many with good intentions. Folks wanting racing to end aren't getting messages that matter to them. Thanks.

Erin Thompson @Pan_Zareta View testimonials
