Ron Paolucci Getting Out of Racing

July 19, 2018

Apparently Ron Paolucci, also known as Loooch and the owner of Loooch Racing, is getting out of the business.

Ron says he doesn’t want to own horses anymore following a disqualification of one half of his entry because the other half allegedly ran interference. You know like many accused Florent Geroux and Restoring Hope of doing for Mike Smith and Justify in the Belmont with a Triple Crown on the line. You know like Mike Repole become upset about when he couldn’t get it done with Noble Indy, another Winstar horse to help Vino Rosso.

I’m all for strict policing and the enforcement of integrity in this game, but Rick Dutrow gets a 10 year ban to date which is upheld. Bill Mott takes a week suspension and 50% trainers make videos and laugh at the game. Does anyone else see anything slightly off with this picture?

Loooch likes to toot his own horn and is not known for his humility or the best spotting of his horses, but he is a well invested owner and the game needs to keep the ones they have and even attract new ones. One of the ways this is done is with consistency and transparency. Although he makes sure a lot of people know about it Ron does a lot of good for the game and for individuals. We all get the multiple and differing jurisdictions argument. But if you take down a horse for the same thing you leave another up for you create a negative environment and perception.

I am NOT saying that is or isn’t what happened to Ron Paolucci and in the Belmont. I don’t know and prefer not to opine on it but we all know we see inconsistencies in rulings and decisions on a regular basis. Loooch like most of us will continue to wager….🤔

The racing industry has perfect aim when shooting at their own foot. They are the gang that couldn’t shoot straight when shooting at anything else.

You can read more about Loooch exiting the game here…..

Thank-you Jon for your knowledge and valuable passionate information!

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