Nicholas Vaccarezza talks new blood in the Sport of Kings and where we are and where we need to be

April 7, 2021

Nicholas Vaccarezza is the perfect example of what the future of horse racing should be. He has passion for the sport with his love of the animal itself always coming first. He has carved out a path and road for himself he hopes will take him to the top of the world in the Sport of Kings and from what we see he is doing it the right way and is the type of man the game needs. He is paying his dues, and learning all the facets.

Nick Vaccarezza at Saratoga
Nick at Saratoga

Nicholas comes from a racing family, but it was not always that way. His father, Carlo Vaccarezza is probably best known for multiple graded stakes winner Little Mike who currently resides at Old Friends Farm in Lexington where Nick and Carlo visit him. Carlo was able to transition himself from a fan and gambling man while an extremely successful restauranteur in New York City into an owner, buyer, breeder, and ultimately a trainer. It is not easy to break into the Sport of Kings coming from a restaurant and gambling background but Carlo did it.

Nick is outspoken about his views on key issues in the sport, and also what he thinks are viable solutions. We think you will enjoy meeting and getting to know this young man who sets a good example of desire and work ethic getting you where you want to go. As gamblers ourselves our bet is Nicholas Vaccarezza has a bright future in horse racing and that is good for all of us who love this sport.

We think you will enjoy this episode of Past the Wire TV and the episode is also available on our podcast for those who would rather just listen.

You can listen to the podcast here:

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Jeff Metz

Jeff Metz has been a race horse trainer for over 30 years.  He trains on the southern Ca circuit and races at Turf Paradise and...

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