Woodbine Entertainment Supportive of Government Requirement for Guests to Provide Proof of Vaccination

September 9, 2021

Toronto, ON – September 9, 2021 – Woodbine Entertainment shared today that it is fully supportive of the Government of Ontario’s requirement for guests to provide proof of vaccination in select settings which includes horse racing venues and casinos.

To add a further layer of safety, Woodbine Entertainment announced internally last week that it is implementing a COVID-19 Vaccination Policy for its staff, horse racing participants and contractors starting on September 15.

Here is how it will work for the various groups:


As per the Government of Ontario’s new policy, guests entering Woodbine Racetrack or Casino Woodbine, Woodbine Mohawk Park Racetrack or Elements Casino Mohawk, Greenwood Teletheatre and WEGZ Stadium Bar will be required to provide proof of full vaccination.

Woodbine Entertainment Employees

Employees will be required to provide proof of full vaccination to gain entry to its properties – Woodbine Racetrack, Woodbine Mohawk Park, Greenwood Teletheatre and WEGZ Stadium Bar. Employees who are not fully vaccinated or choose not to disclose their vaccination status will be required to participate in an Enhanced Screening Program which includes rapid testing (Antigen).

Casino Employees

The majority of employees working in Casino Woodbine (at Woodbine Racetrack) and Elements Casino Mohawk (at Woodbine Mohawk Park) are not employed by Woodbine Entertainment and therefore would not be subject to the Woodbine Entertainment Vaccination Policy for employees.

Horse Racing Participants

Horse racing participants will be required to provide proof of full vaccination to gain entry to Woodbine Racetrack (including the stabling area) and Woodbine Mohawk Park (including the paddock areas). Horse racing participants who are not fully vaccinated or choose not to disclose their vaccination status will be required to participate in an Enhanced Screening Program which includes rapid testing (Antigen).

Contractors, Vendors & Suppliers

Upon each visit, contractors, vendors and suppliers who will be on-site for more than 30 minutes will be required to be rapid tested for COVID-19 or show proof of full vaccination.

“We are very supportive of the Government of Ontario taking this next step and for including horse racing venues and casinos in the list of establishments that will require proof of full vaccination for entry,” said Jim Lawson, CEO, Woodbine Entertainment. “We have been planning for this possibility which is why we were prepared to implement a vaccination policy for our employees and horse people that will provide another layer of protection for our staff, horse racing participants, guests and the larger community.”

Earlier this year, Woodbine Entertainment hosted Pop-Up COVID-19 Vaccination Clinics at Woodbine Racetrack, including a six-day clinic that helped administer more than 15,000 vaccinations to residents of the Rexdale community, and those living and working in hot spots which included members of the horse racing community and employees.

“Since the start of the pandemic in 2020, we have consistently demonstrated our commitment in taking every reasonable precaution to protect the health and safety of our employees, horse racing community and guests from COVID-19,” added Lawson. “A commitment to the health and safety of our community will always be the highest priority for Woodbine Entertainment.”

Woodbine Press Release

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