Hot Topic Alert. On this episode of Unfiltered on Past The Wire TV our hosts Michael Wilson and Jonathan Stettin deep dive the HISA crop or whip rules and specifically the impact on owners.
We discuss why the rule was implemented, what it is intended to police and whether and why it is fair or unfair.
We always take you Past The Wire so we also explore the side of this issue everyone against the crop or whip rules is avoiding. Is a horse being pushed to exert themselves beyond their current capabilities potentially dangerous, even if the crop does not hurt? we ask all the questions and have a good deal of answers. You may agree or disagree but this episode should provoke some thought and discussion.
For more on the crop check out our interview with Ramon Dominquez himself here.
For more on the crop rule and how and why HISA implemented it check out our interview with Lisa Lazarus, CEO of HISA here.
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Videography: Jim Gazzale
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