Traveling Tiger, a 6-year-old mare owned by Susan Moulton, delivered a filly by Audible at Moulton’s Pauls Mill Farm in Versailles, Ky., at 9:30 p.m. on Jan. 13. The foal was born live on camera at the National Museum of Racing and Hall of Fame’s Foal Patrol website, www.foalpatrol.com, kicking off Season 5 of the popular webcam series.
The delivery went well and both mare and foal are in excellent health. Traveling Tiger is one of five mares participating in Season 5. The next mare scheduled to foal is Spanish Bunny at Gainesway Farm on Feb. 2. Also participating this season is Elate at Claiborne Farm (March 13 expected foaling date), Repeta at Three Chimneys Farm (March 31), and Floripa at Old Tavern Farm (May 5).
Foal Patrol is a one-of-a-kind interactive web project of the National Museum of Racing and Hall of Fame that debuted in 2018. Programming includes a collection of live cameras where people can view real-time streams of in-foal mares, as well as numerous educational aspects. The live camera feeds will be available according to each horse’s daily schedule, set by the farm. For more information, or to sign up for news and special alerts, please visit www.foalpatrol.com.
For more information about the National Museum of Racing and Hall of Fame, including upcoming events, please visit www.racingmuseum.org or call (518) 584-0400.
National Museum of Racing and Hall of Fame