Transparency: How do we Enforce It?

December 14, 2016

The common consensus in The Sport of Kings is the need for transparency. The lack of it casts a negative stigma on our game which we don’t need, and makes it all the more difficult with the myriad other issues the sports faces to grow or restore our game to what it once was.

The Jockeys’ Guild is addressing this as well. Under Terry Meyocks leadership The Guild has their finger on the pulse of the most significant and important issues we face. Transparency is tough to enforce. many jurisdictions outside the US are well ahead of us in this area. All have central governing bodies and uniformity in rules, something Past the Wire has been advocating for years.

With exchange wagering available in New Jersey, and likely to expand, transparency becomes even a more pressing issue.

Read more about The Guild addressing transparency here…….

Also played a @PastTheWire "Tracking Trips" horse that was in my stable. KD R9 the 11 Bedazzle Em at 20-1!! What a day, thanks guys for the education!

Matt Butler @Aluxedog View testimonials
