The Travers by The Thorograph Numbers and Patterns

August 21, 2024

Ride with us and you’ll never starve! You asked for The Travers by The Thorograph Numbers and Patterns and yes we delivered. We have the show and Jon got back on track 1000% with The Test by The Thorograph Numbers and Patterns where he pointed out Ways and Means was not only the fastest horse but the race was probably for second.

Let’s see what the numbers and patterns (they don’t lie) have to say about The Travers this year. It is one heck of a horse race and we even have a filly in it. Nobody Does it Better!

Thank you for watching Past the Wire TV and make sure to hit the like button, subscribe and let us know any other races you want Jon to do.

Don’t miss our big Saratoga Saturday show The Travers edition brought to you by AmWager where you can get one of the coolest hats in Horse Racing!
