Wednesday, June 1 at 11 a.m.
STEVENSON, Md.—The Thoroughbred Horsemen’s Association will host an online webinar on “HISA Registration for Racehorse Owners and Trainers” on Wednesday, June 1, from 11-11:30 a.m. ET. Under the Horseracing Integrity and Safety Authority, which goes into effect on July 1, 2022, you must register as a “Covered Person” if you are licensed by a State Racing Commission, unless you have no contact with the horses and no access to the restricted areas of a racetrack. Registration is required of all owners, trainers and backstretch workers, as well as any licensee who has access to the barn area. Trainers must also register all of the horses in their care.
The presentation will feature HISA representatives, who will review the step-by-step process for registering Covered Persons and Covered Horses. Owners and trainers will also be able to ask questions about the registration process.
Under HISA, trainers and assistant trainers are required to complete four hours of Continuing Education (CE) annually; owners are required to complete two hours of CE every year. Owners and trainers who participate in the HISA Registration Seminar will earn one (1) full CE credit toward the annual CE requirement. In addition, the webinar will be recorded and posted on the CE website for trainers and assistant trainers,
You must register in advance to participate in this webinar, and participation is limited to 500 attendees.
To register, go to: Webinar Registration
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
Do You Have a Horsemen U Account?
If you do not yet have a HorsemenU account, we invite you to go to the website,, to register. Trainers and assistant trainers can take the required hours of CE online and store the CE Certificates of Completion earned from the online courses all in one place, in the event they need documentation of compliance with the Continuing Education regulation.
Click here for answers to Frequently Asked Questions about HorsemenU.
Click here for more details of the CE Courses offered by Horsemen U.
THA News Release