Saratoga Today 2021, day 7

July 23, 2021

Today we look at Day 7 of the Saratoga meet on Past the Wire’s Saratoga Today.

We talk a little about workouts and races where trainers have multiple entrants in a race.

We look at a few maidens we like today, the Lake George stakes with 4 Chad Brown runners, and talk some handicapping.

Thanks for tuning in to Saratoga Today and we will be back for Day 8, the second Saturday of the meet!

Contributing Authors

Jon Stettin

Jonathan’s always had a deep love and respect for the Sport of Kings. Growing up around the game, he came about as close as anyone...

View Jon Stettin

Great job John! Always appreciate the knowledge you graciously share.

M @markschmidt8967 View testimonials
