Welcome to another Saratoga Today on Past the Wire TV.
It is day 16 of the 2021 Saratoga meet and the featured stake is the Birdstone.
We have an affinity for Birdstone as a column Jonathan Stettin wrote about him is what started Past the Wire. You can read it on here on Past the Wire, it is called No Apology Necessary and we are pretty sure you will enjoy it. The “dutching article mentioned on the show can be found on AmWager here.
Today we not only look at the Birdstone but we explore the differences between raw speed figures and Thoro-Graph or Ragozin figures better known as the sheets. Learn what a bounce really is, and why so many people get it wrong about this tried and proven true theory of handicapping.
We are excited about the Whitney card on Saturday and we just might have our second major wager of the meet in one of the supporting races.
Thank you for tuning in. We appreciate it and hope you enjoy the show!