Dornoch will be shooting for a rare Haskell-Travers double (Ryan Denver/EQUI-PHOTO)
It is 6 weeks into the Saratoga meet and Travers day is here. We have a great Travers, a fantastic card, looks like good weather and a giveaway of the coolest hats in horse racing!
Where else would you rather be? Ride with us you’ll never starve! We deep dive The Travers, and go over all the other stakes on the super card!
Well I’m done with the freight train down the lane hung like a cheap kite I’ve lost enough money on that guy
I never make decisions on horses until I know the race, field and conditions we’re talking about. Stay tuned.
I’ve stayed loyal but the buc stops here
bye, your loss
I’m talking about Sierra Leone not you Jon I’m all in here no worries it’s all I take the good with the bad
got it lol, all good!