Ready, Aim, Draw

April 30, 2019

By Kate Richards

It is the stuff that sends handicappers into a frenzy and rises into a tsunami of prediction. It is the annual random pulling of the pills designating the post position of a twenty-horse field where prized three-year-old thoroughbreds compete for a singular designation… winner of the Kentucky Derby. One famous trainer is fond of telling the story of sitting next to a plane seat-mate who pleasantly asked him what he did for a living.

“I am a racehorse trainer” the trainer replied.

His seat-mate then asked, “Did you ever win the Kentucky Derby?”

“No.” the trainer said ruefully.

“Then you are not a racehorse trainer,” his seat-mate quickly concluded.

The Kentucky Derby is not the richest race on earth, but it is the pinnacle.

The Derby credit is the one that breeders covet, trainers prize and jockeys place their faith and fate upon that Derby altar of success. The Derby is the definer for excellence.

The Kentucky Derby draw, as it is referred to, is similar in level of tension felt in a room where an NFL or NBA draft is held. This event had that and a little something special. There was an element of warmth and remembrance that was captured at the top of Master of Ceremonies, Travis Stone’s remarks. It was a tribute to what Travis referred to as “the third spire”, the late John Asher, Churchill Downs maestro of all things communicated to the public.  John Asher passed away quite suddenly late last fall. Asher was incremental in building the CD brand, refreshing the symbols and protecting the legacy of racing at Churchill Downs. Evoking his memory brought everyone to their feet and more than a few, to tears. Some, particularly Elliott Walden, President of Winstar Farms, remained standing when bugler Steve Buttleman played the iconic “My Old Kentucky Home”.

You, the fan, will be digesting the list of post positions, the weather forecast relative to agility conditions and the handicapping odds up until the NBC broadcast as well as the cable channel’s presentations on Friday and then, Saturday. The Past the Wire team plans to assist you in enhancing your Derby experience whether you join us from your living room, your office or have the good fortune to have a ticket to Louisville. We invite you to attend our exclusive Thursday online webinar at 6 pm, hosted by our resident handicappers who will pinpoint the patterns and the possibilities in this large, very talented field of horses and jockeys.

Thank you for allowing us to contribute to your all-American experience, the 145th running of the Kentucky Derby, the world’s most famous horserace.

We are making it happen, because of you.

Get an edge in this year’s Kentucky Derby and the all stakes Pick 4. Join Past the Wire’s Kentucky Derby webinar. We will have analysis, selections, strategies, a question and answer session and more. Live and interactive or available on replay…

Join or Learn more here…….

Great Video.. soo well done!!! Excellent info...

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