One on One with Ken McPeek fresh off winning the Kentucky Oaks and Kentucky Derby

May 11, 2024

Kenny McPeek and family celebrate Mystik Dan’s victory (Jenny Doyle/Past The Wire)

Ken McPeek fresh off winning the Kentucky Oaks with Torpedo Anna and the Kentucky Derby with Mystik Dan the next day is obviously super busy and being pulled in a hundred different directions.

Ken was gracious to make time to be on the Past The Wire TV Rogues’ Gallery for a One on One interview with Jon Stettin.

They talk about the decision to run Mystik Dan in the Preakness, the grizzly bear Torpedo Anna and Ken’s confidence in her and more. What are the long range plans for both? Loyalty, Lasix, horse issues, even some Brooklyn, you won’t want to miss this episode of One on One on Past the Wire!

Thank you all for watching another great episode of Past The Wire TV!

We appreciate you all and welcome your thoughts, comments, and ideas for future shows and guests.

Another great show Jonathan!!

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