One on One Q and A with Tyler Gaffalione

August 8, 2022

Tyler Gaffalione, one of the top jockeys in the country sits down with Jonathan Stettin for some One on One Q and A on Past The Wire TV.

Tyler is a super rider and still getting better and better. He is a classic winner and already a perennial leading rider at Churchill Downs and on the Kentucky circuit.

Tyler and Jon talk race riding, Saratoga, riding colonies and more. Tyler is not only talented in the irons but he is an intelligent and likable young man we think you will enjoy.

Get some real rider perspective on this episode of Past The Wire TV with Tyler Gaffalione.

Thank you for tuning in and if you enjoy the show hit the like button and let us know. We appreciate you all!

Photo: Susie Raisher, NYRA Photo

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