Maryland State Fair Release
TIMONIUM, Md.—Bring your off-the-track Thoroughbred for a fun day of showing at the Maryland State Fair Thoroughbred Show Saturday, at the Maryland State Fairgrounds in Timonium, September 9 at 9:00 a.m.
Show off your horse’s new skills and win great prizes. Classes include Model, Pleasure and Hunter, and $400 Handy Hunter!
If you aren’t able to ride, please come and support these Thoroughbreds! They are on to their next career and would love you to cheer them on!
Notice: You cannot show out of your trailer here. You must drop and go. You may enter the day of, however, you won’t most likely be able to secure a stall at that late date.
There is no racing that day.
Click to learn more and download forms. Click here for general rules and regulations.
For Stalls or Questions, contact show secretary Bev Abbott: Bevabbott2575@gmail.com
(410) 596 7592