Mage owner Ramiro Restrepo weighs in on some personal reasons why this epic Kentucky Derby win is so special.
Mage won the 149th Kentucky Derby off just three starts and none of them at two. Ramiro picked out the well bred son of Good Magic and at the nudging of Gustavo Delgado Jr. went about 90K over his allotted budget to get the colt. It was a great move and decision and afterwards Ramiro, Gustavo Delgado and Gustavo Delgado Jr. made every right call.
Ramiro was kind and gracious enough to include us in this unbelievable win. Salut Ramiro and all the connections of this very talented colt. It is hard to say the best is yet to come after winning The Kentucky Derby, but that is what all of us wish for Mage and all his people! #TEAM MAGE
Double RR you did it!