Linda Rice case finally adjudicated

May 17, 2021

The New York State Gaming Commission has ruled on the Linda Rice case.

The NYSGC began an investigation into Linda Rice’s operation in early 2018, focused on if she traded money for information from the racing secretary’s office. That information, such as which horses were likely to enter races before the race had closed, could have given her a competitive advantage. If true she’d know which horses were going in which races and that would allow her to enter her horses in races she thought would be easier.

The investigation revealed that between 2011 and 2015, Rice received faxes and emails from former entry clerks Jose Morales and Matt Salvato, giving her the names and past performance records of horses prior to draw time. Senior racing office management has said the names of trainers and horses in a given race are not to be released until after a race is drawn unless it is a stakes race.

Following are tweets from the NYSGC which summarize the ruling:

Linda Rice would be able to re-apply for a license after three years. There is no guarantee she will be granted one at that time or ever. That determination will be made if and when she re-applies.
