HIWU Press Release
The Horseracing Integrity & Welfare Unit (HIWU), a division of Drug Free Sport International, is anticipating that it will begin enforcement of the Horseracing Integrity and Safety Authority’s (HISA) Anti-Doping and Medication Control (ADMC) Program on March 27, 2023, pending approval of the ADMC rules submitted to the Federal Trade Commission last month and published to the Federal Register on Jan. 26.
The rules are available for public comment on the Federal Register through February 9.
With HIWU serving as the independent enforcement agency for the ADMC Program, Thoroughbred racing participants in all states under HISA’s jurisdiction will operate under uniform medication rules, test barn and testing procedures, laboratory standards, results management timelines, and sanctions for violations. HIWU will also direct a national investigations unit.
“HIWU is honored to have been tasked with the responsibility of administering U.S. Thoroughbred racing’s first national, uniform ADMC Program, and we stand ready to begin enforcement this spring,” said Ben Mosier, executive director of HIWU. “To facilitate smooth sailing through the transition, we will continue to engage with and support industry stakeholders across the country.
“Under the ADMC Program, all participants in Thoroughbred racing will be able to feel confident that they are competing on a level playing field that promotes the integrity of the sport and enhances equine welfare.”
In addition to a planned appearance at the Organization of Racing Investigators Annual Training Conference in Tucson, Arizona, next month, HIWU staff will continue holding in-person and virtual meetings with industry participants affected by the ADMC Program. Interested individuals can also find a growing library of educational resources, including materials in Spanish, at hiwu.org.
HIWU’s team continues to expand, and interested individuals should visit drugfreesport.com/about-us/careers/ to view available positions.
About the Horseracing Integrity & Welfare Unit
The Horseracing Integrity & Welfare Unit (HIWU) was established in 2022 by Drug Free Sport International to administer the rules and enforcement mechanisms of the Horseracing Integrity and Safety Authority’s (HISA) Anti-Doping and Medication Control (ADMC) Program. The ADMC Program will create a centralized testing and results management process and apply uniform penalties for violations efficiently and consistently across all American Thoroughbred racing jurisdictions that HISA governs. HIWU will oversee testing, educate stakeholders on the new program, accredit laboratories, investigate potential violations, and prosecute any such violations.
About Drug Free Sport International
Drug Free Sport International is a worldwide leader in the sport drug testing industry. Drug Free Sport International administers comprehensive drug testing programs, manages national and international collections, develops drug testing policies, and provides educational services to a wide range of professional and amateur athletics organizations around the world. Its highly educated, experienced, and diverse staff is committed to quality, technical innovation, and maintaining the most extensive network of highly trained and certified sport drug testing collectors in the industry.