High Five / Low Five

May 21 2020

High Five!

High Five Edgar Prado, passing Angel Cordero Jr. in wins is no small feat!

May 18 2020

Low Five!

Low Five on the loss of the great Forty Niner.

May 18 2020

High Five!

High Five Queen Zenyatta on her new Candy Ride foal.

May 15 2020

Low Five!

Come on guys, Churchill Downs and TVG bickering again about showing races when we are finally gearing back up. Low Five!

May 14 2020

High Five!

Big High 5 to Brisnet on the free past performances for the Churchill Downs meet. Hopefully this becomes a growing trend, and then a regularity.

May 11 2020

Low Five!

Low Five to Steve Byk. The retraction of the “rumor” he was fast to report didn’t quite cut it. You know better Steve!

May 8 2020

High Five!

High Five Tommy Hammer Massis! He did what he does best, took over a cool million out of the Hong Kong pool on an $850 play, and he told us he was gonna do it!

May 7 2020

Low Five!

So we have a date for the Preakness, then we don’t have a date for the Preakness, low five all around here!

May 3 2020

Low Five!

You can’t make this stuff up. Jonathan Kinchen actually stated on the Fox Broadcast of a Day at the Races that 1-5 Charlatan was his best bet of the day. Seriously, you just don’t tout a 1-5 shot under any circumstances as a best bet. Other than that really really silly comment the broadcast was pretty good thanks primarily to Gary Stevens who can hold down the fort and carry the team. Tom Amoss and Maggie Wolfendale were pretty good also. This Kinchen guy though needs some schooling. Sorry Jonathan, nothing personal. Thumbs down Fox for switching to some old or simulated Baseball game as opposed to the Oaklawn finale. You just don’t get it!