Flightline, The BCBC and more with Tommy Hammer Massis

October 27, 2022

Tommy Hammer Massis and Jon Stettin need no introduction. Two of the best to play and beat the game get together on Past The Wire TV.

They talk some Flightline, The Breeders’ Cup Betting Challenge, or BCBC of which Hammer is a former champion and is playing again this year. Tommy tells Jon why he should play this year, (he never has) and we think he has him really considering it. The two aces talk betting strategies and some common mistakes even decent players make. You won’t want to miss this episode of Past The Wire TV! We even have artificial inspiration works on horses not just people….you either know or you don’t!

If you like this video leave a comment, hit the like and let us know. Subscribe to Past The Wire TV and never miss an episode. To find info on our Breeders’ Cup Seminar, the best in the sport, head to the bottom of this article. You may also enjoy this earlier interview with Tommy.

For information on Past The Wire’s annual Breeders’ Cup Seminar, the very best in the game CLICK HERE

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