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Author Jennifer Kelly talks Foxes of Belair
Joseph Davies brings the history of the D.C. International, inspiration of the Breeders’ Cup
Author Patrick Smithwick talks his Father, legendary steeplechase jockey A.P. Smithwick
Howard & Sondra Bender Educational Series: Equine Nutrition
MHLEC News Release
REISTERSTOWN, Md.—A lot happening at the Maryland Horse Library and Education Center this fall from Maryland’s rich history of breeding and racing to current information on better equine care.
Tuesday, October 17, 7:30 p.m.
Next Meeting of the Maryland Horse Library Book Club
The new Maryland Horse Library Book Club, held in conjunction with Wasabi Ventures Stables, is a great way to enjoy great books and connect with fellow horse lovers!
There will be two meetings on each book, held every third Tuesday via Zoom.
The next book in the club is The Foxes of Belair: Gallant Fox, Omaha, and the Quest for the Triple Crown by Jennifer Kelly. Kelly will make an appearance at both meetings for her book.
To sign up for the Book Club and Zoom links click here.
Monday, October 23, 4:00 p.m.
The Washington D.C. International with Joseph Davies
International racing at its best didn’t begin with the Breeders’ Cup. The first major event in the U.S. was the brainchild of Marylander John D. Schapiro, who took over the reins as Laurel’s president in 1950 and decided to create a race designed to bring together the world’s best horses at a mile and a half on the grass. He named it the Washington, D.C. International.
The race had its first running in 1952 and was an immediate hit, as *Wilwyn carried the banner for England. Parties in D.C. were a mainstay on the social calendar and everyone from dignitaries to royalty to movie stars were in attendance. Horses came from around the world, including Russia, for the next half-century until the Breeders’ Cup drew competitors away.
Learn more about the history of the Washington, D.C. International and racing visionary John Schapiro when his stepson, nationally recognized steeplechase trainer Joseph Davies, comes for a talk at the Maryland Horse Library & Education Center on Monday, October 23 at 4:00 p.m.
Monday, November 6, 4:00 p.m.
Author Talk with Patrick Smithwick
Marylander Patrick Smithwick has been working with horses all of his life, getting life lessons at a very young age from his father, the legendary steeplechase jockey A.P. Smithwick, who became a trainer after retiring from riding. The younger Smithwick worked his way through school and college by exercising Thoroughbreds at major East Coast racetracks and riding steeplechase races at such venues as Belmont Park and Saratoga Race Course, and hunt meets such as the Maryland Hunt Club and the Grand National.
Smithwick has since developed another passion, writing, and writes about what he knows, growing up with a racing legend in Racing My Fatherto a memoir about a year with his family in Flying Change, his first two published works. His most recent book, War’s Over, Come Home is another chapter in the life of his family.
Smithwick will give a talk about his books and his life at the Maryland Horse Library & Education Center on Monday, November 6 at 4:00 p.m.
Wednesday, November 8, 5:30 p.m.
Howard & Sondra Bender Educational Series: Equine Nutrition
Don’t miss the final seminar in the 2023 Howard & Sondra Bender Educational Series: Equine Nutrition Night with the Experts!
Learn from equine nutritionist Michelle Jennings as she discusses Horses from Head to Tail: the digestive tract and how it comes together. Dr. Amy Burk, professor and equine specialist for University of Maryland Extension, will give a talk on hay quality and matching hay to the horse.
Attendance is free and refreshments will be served. Contact bremsberg@marylandthoroughbred.com with questions.
For more information on the Howard & Sondra Bender Educational Series, visit www.marylandhorse.com/bender.