Fair Grounds Replaces “Jackpot” Black Gold Five with Traditional Pick Fives

November 17, 2020

Key alteration also made to multi-race wagering rule

New Orleans (November 17, 2020) – When Fair Grounds’ 149th season of racing kicks off Thanksgiving Day, a traditional early and late Pick Five will replace the Black Gold Five, a jackpot wager that had been in place for the past several years.

On a regular basis, the early Pick Five will encompass races 1-5, and the late Pick Five will be offered on the final five races of the card. The 50-cent minimum wager will pay 100% of the day’s pool plus any carryover coming into the day to those who correctly select 5-of-5 winners. Should no one pick 5-of-5, 25% of the pool will be paid to those who select the most winners, with the remaining 75% of the pool carrying over to the following day’s late Pick Five sequence.

In addition to the newly implemented early and late Pick Five, Fair Grounds will also offer an early Pick Four, which will now move to races 2-5, as well as two other Pick Fours later on the card. Rolling Pick Threes and daily doubles remain a staple of the wagering menu.

Fair Grounds will also make a key change to their horizontal wagering platform. Beginning this meet, any race that is taken off the turf after a sequence has started will revert to ALL on any live tickets. This rule only applies to turf races moved to the main track. Any scratch in a race that did not switch surfaces will result in the bettor getting a replacement of the post time favorite.

A complete list of wagering information, special wagers, and with key racing dates for the meet can be found at:  https://www.fairgroundsracecourse.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/2020-2021-Thoroughbred-Racing-Season-Wagering-Info-FINAL-.pdf

Great spot play! Can't believe we got 9-2. Nice gift! Thanks again. 01/16/2017 11:28 AmBetGP1WN$50.003$0.25$50.00$275.00

Justin Golden @justin181174 View testimonials
