Don’t Bet Against Gary Stevens

February 12, 2017

Gary Stevens has been cleared to return to riding in March. Many thought and openly speculated he would retire, this despite his openly stating his mind was not made up.

I always thought betting against his return yet again was a bad bet. Somehow I don’t think his work on the track is finished. It is incredible and a statement towards his fitness and dedication to be able to return so quick after a hip replacement. He has done this before following a knee replacement. Don’t bet against Gary!

Read about Gary Stevens’ return

Gary already has one of the greatest comebacks in sports history, and you can read about it here. it is unprecedented in The Sport of Kings and sports in general:

Read about “The Comeback”

@jonathanstettin & @Tracking_Trips perfect 3/3, this one at 4-1. Didn't know being stupid, humble, & an inferior player could feel so good 💰💰💰

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