Donor to March for RRP’s Campaign

June 10, 2024

Anonymous Donor to Match $4,500 in RRP’s Fund-a-Need Campaign

The Retired Racehorse Project

EDGEWATER, Md.—The Retired Racehorse Project (RRP) announced today that thanks to the generosity of a donor who wished to remain anonymous, $4,500 will be matched throughout the summer in contributions to the Fund-a-Need campaign. This pledged contribution will be matched in a series of monthly fundraisers, spotlighting individual needs that can be supported through the overall campaign and doubling the impact of donations.

“We’re exceedingly grateful for the donation match that has been pledged to our Fund-a-Need campaign this year,” said RRP development manager Megan Garlich. “The Makeover is much more than a horse show: it’s a movement of people committed to showcasing the versatility, athleticism and trainability of Thoroughbred ex-racehorses and securing their place in non-racing careers. Fund-a-Need allows us to continue to provide the necessary resources to produce the event and foster meaningful community through the Makeover experience.”

The Fund-a-Need campaign, which has a goal of $20,000 total for 2024, allows supporters to contribute to the cost of producing the Thoroughbred Makeover by directly funding aspects of the event production, including volunteer lunches, jump décor, participant ribbons and more. As the largest national retraining competition for recently-retired racehorses and former broodmares, the Thoroughbred Makeover serves as a celebration of the breed and a gathering for those with an interest in transitioning horses to careers beyond racing, but it also takes a significant amount of funding and the time and energy of RRP staff and contractors. This fundraising campaign gives supporters a unique way to directly support this landmark event.

To support the Fund-a-Need campaign, please visit Individual monthly matches will be announced on the RRP website and social media.

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