Training Tips RSS feed

Training Tips

Trainer Responsibility

POSTED: February 20, 2020

I was at the track the other day and a fan asked me to explain "Trainer Responsibility" in Horse Racing. It is a broad, sort...

Training Tips

Breezing a Horse

POSTED: February 8, 2020

I received an email asking if I could explain Working aka Breezing a horse. I was also asked how important are Works when one is...

Training Tips

Assistant Starters Please

POSTED: January 3, 2020

I was approached at Penn National the other day by a few Jockeys. They asked me if I could bring attention to the bad problem they're...

Training Tips

Maximum Security, Destination Unknown

POSTED: December 25, 2019

As a trainer one of the most important duties is picking out the correct races for your horses. I always wanted to think with my...

Training Tips

The Humane Science Behind Whip Use

POSTED: December 19, 2019

“Scientific proof” is a term that gets thrown around like confetti at a New Year’s Eve party. Take for instance the issue of whip use...

Training Tips

Horsemen Take Heed: Thoughts from JJ Graci

POSTED: December 5, 2019

Everyday I post news on my different sites. If you are an owner/trainer and you read these different articles you'd have to ask yourself, am...

Training Tips

Joint Injections or Tapping, What Is It and What Does It Do:

POSTED: December 3, 2019

I was asked about Joint Injections aka...Tapping. Could I explain why and how it is done. I'll try my best in terms we can all...

Training Tips

Track Conditions and Cancellations

POSTED: November 26, 2019

Del Mar is getting ready to cancel racing another day this year. The day just happens to be Thanksgiving Day... a great Holiday Card. The...

Training Tips

Jockey Agents and the Condition Book

POSTED: November 22, 2019

First of all I want to thank you for all the kind words and for reading the Training Tips. A fan stopped me at the...




This is a must watch. Jon breaks down Thorograph numbers on entire Travers field.

Pat Palazzo @PJP541898112 View testimonials


Welcome To The Training Tips Archive

Past The Wire is committed to educating those that want to become involved in the horse racing industry. This is where training tips comes in. The youth of today is the horse racing’s future employees. This page is an area designed to educate those that don’t know what exactly trainers do and why they do it. We cover everything from; why workouts are important, racing surfaces, equipment changes, choosing the right jockeys and preparing your horse to run huge in the big race and much more.

We will be featuring instructional videos and other special things in this area that are educational. Join our resident current and former trainers as they elaborate on various interesting topics from the backside of the track.

Ever wanted to know what makes a turf horse? How to choose the right trainer? Buying your first horse? How trainers put speed into their horses? Past The Wire Training Tips is informative for everyone.