Training Tips RSS feed

Training Tips

Horse Racing Loses JJ Graci, may he rest in peace

POSTED: December 12, 2022

The Sport of Kings lost one of its kings when JJ Graci passed away peacefully amongst his loved ones yesterday. JJ passed after a brief...

Training Tips

A farrier named Mike Stine

POSTED: May 28, 2022

by Kate Richards Mike Stine’s office geography is the underbelly of a thousand-pound horse. Whether tending to an eventing, dressage or jumping competitor or a...

Training Tips

A trainers take on the Kentucky Derby

POSTED: May 3, 2022

Unfiltered Episode 2 on Past the Wire TV, a trainer and their perspective on all the runners in the 148th Kentucky Derby First things first....

Training Tips

Late Track Closures and Surface Switches, slow decisions plague a fast sport

POSTED: January 23, 2022

By JJ Graci I have been in this game before most of you were born. Every day it gets harder and harder to be positive...

Training Tips

A Day in the Life of a Horse Trainer

POSTED: June 30, 2020

I received a request from a racing fan who wanted to know what it is like to be a trainer on a daily basis. A trainer's...

Training Tips

Throat Surgery in a Racehorse

POSTED: June 29, 2020

There was a show on TV called "You Asked for It"!!! I m going to do my best to explain my latest requests.  Out of...

Training Tips

Loose Lips Don't Always Sink Ships

POSTED: June 11, 2020

The game of horse racing has changed in many ways. Day in and day out we see trainers accused of being cheaters by fans, primarily...

Training Tips

Shipping Horses

POSTED: June 10, 2020

With the tragic news of a horse van catching on fire and all 10 horses dying, I cannot even imagine the pain Trainer Christophe Clement...

Training Tips

Getting Ready Off the Layoff

POSTED: June 1, 2020

With more racetracks getting ready to start running again, it is going to be a bit of a challenge trying to handicap. You have horses...




Eye of a legend great call sir @jonathanstettin I hit the daily double, trifecta and alive still in middle pick 5!!!

Rodney Evans @LilTbScooby2 View testimonials


Welcome To The Training Tips Archive

Past The Wire is committed to educating those that want to become involved in the horse racing industry. This is where training tips comes in. The youth of today is the horse racing’s future employees. This page is an area designed to educate those that don’t know what exactly trainers do and why they do it. We cover everything from; why workouts are important, racing surfaces, equipment changes, choosing the right jockeys and preparing your horse to run huge in the big race and much more.

We will be featuring instructional videos and other special things in this area that are educational. Join our resident current and former trainers as they elaborate on various interesting topics from the backside of the track.

Ever wanted to know what makes a turf horse? How to choose the right trainer? Buying your first horse? How trainers put speed into their horses? Past The Wire Training Tips is informative for everyone.