CARMA Set To Shine on Pacific Classic Day

August 19, 2020

Online Fundraiser, CARMAthon, Seeks to Raise $300,000 for Retired Racehorses

DEL MAR, Calif.  – Amidst the wide-ranging effects of COVID-19, the California Retirement Management Account (CARMA) has taken its annual fundraiser to the world wide web and will also be live on TVG on Saturday, August 22, 2020. The event named CARMAthon 2020, a playful nod to old-school telethons, hopes to generate online donations from the racing industry and equine enthusiasts through CARMA’s website. The donations will help fund its grant program, which assists more than 20 thoroughbred aftercare charities.

“This is something completely new to our style of fundraising. Historically, we host all our events in person and emphasize having fun while raising money for a good cause,” said Lucinda Lovitt, CARMA Executive Director. “Hosting a “telethon” is our way of maintaining that fun component while reaching a large virtual audience.”

TVG will be kicking off the fundraiser on August 22, by donating $25,000 and providing Pacific Classic Day coverage to highlight Thoroughbred aftercare in California. Across CARMA’s social media platforms, stories of its Placement Program graduates will flood the feed and provide information and resources on aftercare.

“ ‘Own. Race. Retire.’ that’s our mantra,” said CARMA Treasurer and Little Red Feather Racing Founder, Billy Koch. “In these unprecedented times, we are unable to raise funds for our retired racehorses through our normal channels. Most in our industry understand what it takes to care for these amazing Thoroughbreds once their racing careers are over. Special thanks to TVG, Del Mar, and Grand Slam Social, who are donating time, money, and resources to support us and our efforts.”

Everyone who loves retired racehorses is encouraged to help – especially this year when the organization has seen a decline in funding due to COVID-19 and reduced racing dates.

Donations for CARMAthon can be made on the following link now through Saturday, August 22: For more information visit or contact Lucinda Lovitt at (626) 574-6622 or

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