Brief suspension of training during Pimlico Track Work

April 6, 2022

BALTIMORE, Md.—Horsemen should prepare for a brief suspension of training at Pimlico Race Course in April to allow for maintenance work on the dirt surface.

The track maintenance crew traditionally has examined the Pimlico surface prior to the May race meet and in recent years has repaired the base in specific areas. Maryland Jockey Club Track Superintendent Chris Bosley said the project could entail shutting down the main track for at least three days to look at previously repaired areas and other parts of the surface.

The target dates for the work are Easter Sunday, April 17, through Wednesday, April 20. (There is no training on Easter.) The alternative dates are Monday, April 25, through Wednesday, April 27. (Examination of the surface would actually begin after training Sunday, April 24.)

MJC Acting President and General Manager Mike Rogers said April 5 the preferred time period for the project is April 17-20. He said that depending on the examination, the actual repairs required, and the weather, the project could take less than three days.

“This is routine maintenance for Pimlico,” Rogers said. “We did the same repairs last year and we want to check on that work.”

Bosley said Stanley Concrete has been contacted to assist with equipment and manpower. The company was involved in the reconstruction of the Laurel Park dirt surface in 2021.

Maryland Thoroughbred Horsemen’s Association
Photo of Pimlico Race Course grandstand and clubhouse courtesy of MTHA

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