What is e-ponies

February 3, 2020

One of the greatest fun in the world of sports, entertainment, and gambling is a horse racing bet. Although placing a bet on horse racing can be interesting, but it is not so easy for the person placing the bet to know and decide the horse he will bet on.

For some gamblers, they have devoted all their time to study every single horse and to know more about the riders. But, there are many more people who do not have the inclination or are not chanced to carry out such research. These kinds of people including those that want to save their time and also have a high probability of earning money, need to make use of a fantastic website for horse picking.

E-ponies.com is a horse picking website that is capable of doing the job for you. Always remember that, just like every other gambling game, there is no guarantee that the tips on e-ponies will always earn you money. But to most people, horse racing is a very interesting game of chance.

How e-ponies analysis are being generated

The whole analyses found in e-ponies.com are strictly generated through the computer based on the code that Liam Durbin, the owner of e-ponies has written. It was back in 1999 that Liam Durbin began to run his website, naming it ‘Digital Chalk Line’ at that time. As time went by, some newspapers picked up his stats, contributing to the growth of his website which he later named ‘e-ponies’ to date.

Over the years now, there has been some tweaking in his algorithm, but, its basics have not really changed much since then. It is still the same. The goal of this website is to give a review to every single animal-based on many aspects and in an unbiased way. Whenever the website reviews any horse, it will be ranked based on class, connections, speed, line, last, and speed. On the score of any horse, there will be a handicap (artificial), being imposed.

Circuit analyses of horse racing in the country

There are many services that e-ponies offers. Among these varieties of services, racing picks is more popular. Daily, racing picks are being posed on the website for every racing circuit. Then, twice every day, what is being considered as “high-value” wagers as well as tweet tips are being posted. As a big fan of horse race betting, you will always want to be updated with the scoop/facts or stories about the world of racing. This website will not only give you the scoop of horse racing, but it will also provide you with the adequate statistics of horse racing. With the help of this website, e-ponies.com, you will see the analyses of the circuit of horse racing from around the country.

All the fans will find more than just Durbin’s algorithm of e-ponies’ claim to fame. For the enthusiast of horse racing, the forum of an active user is just a draw. Also, for the people who do not get the most out of horse racing, Trick Pony, which is an app, is available for them.

In summation, e-ponies.com is a website that will help you get the most of your horse racing betting.

Good story. The one about Mucho Gusto you told was also a great story! Good luck Saturday

@chrischester7465 View testimonials
