Andy Serling, From Trader To The Track

November 22, 2019

Andy Serling is NYRA’s poster child for handicapping and is the main anchor of Talking horses with Anthony Stabile. Andy Serling is also the host of the podcast Across The Board. A New Jersey native, Andy Serling’s prior real profession was being an options trader on Wall Street back in the day. The collapse of the mortgage market is what pushed him from being a trader to what he loved which was to be at the horse track.

Andy Serling was always fond of the race track as his father would bring him as a little boy. It was then he knew that racing was passion of his. If you asked Andy Serling he would tell you that the entire premise of his show really bloomed out of his on again and off again friendship with Andy Beyer.

Due to his exit from Wall Street in part by a massive loss he incurred in the mortgage-real estate collapse he decided he was going to attempt to switch careers. Andy Serling credits several people along the way for being influential to him in terms of learning to be a better handicapper. If you ask most racing fans they would disagree however he is the one on television doing what he loves and they are not.

Andy Serling splits his time between Manhattan and Saratoga. The Spa as Saratoga is affectionately known is where he moved when he was eleven years old and is basically at home there. Many Saratoga nights after the races he can be seen riding his bike in the surrounding neighborhoods to the track.

It’s safe to say that Andy Serling has cemented himself as a permanent fixture in horse racing and is part of the recognizable brand that NYRA has created. Make sure to tune into NYRA to catch Andy’s show. Make sure to follow Andy Serling picks as he gives them out on each episode.

Thank you, as always, for your thoughtful insights.

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