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To be Recognized Thursday, May 16 During Legendary Alibi Breakfast
David Joseph/Maryland Jockey Club
BALTIMORE, Md. – Beverly Strauss, co-founder and executive director of Chesapeake City, Md.-based MidAtlantic Horse Rescue, has been named Honorary Postmaster for Preakness 149.
A licensed Thoroughbred trainer with more than 50 years of experience around horses, Strauss will be recognized during the Alibi Breakfast Thursday, May 16 at historic Pimlico Race Course.
In addition to training, Strauss has worked with horses in numerous disciplines including eventing, racing, foxhunting, showing and providing lessons. A Graduate A of the U.S. Pony Club, she helped launch MAHR in 2002 with the goal of helping find and transition former racehorses to new homes.
MAHR began by saving three horses and has grown to rescue more than 2,600 horses since its inception, earning full accreditation from the Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance and national recognition. A federal 501(c)3 non-profit organization, MAHR buys ex-racehorses bound for slaughter and, after quarantine and careful evaluation, adopts them into good homes as pleasure and sport horses.
The legendary Alibi Breakfast began in the 1930s on the porch of the old Pimlico Clubhouse and features a gathering of media, owners, trainers, jockeys, horsemen and fans to celebrate the Preakness while gaining interesting and humorous race predictions.
For more information on the Alibi Breakfast and to purchase tickets go to: https://www.preakness.com/alibibreakfast
In 1994, the United States Postal Service opened a temporary Preakness station at Pimlico the week of the Preakness. Located on Pimlico’s first-floor grandstand, it allows fans to have a special Preakness cancellation applied on any item to which first-class postage is affixed.
Past Honorary Postmasters have included Hall of Fame horsemen D. Wayne Lukas, Bob Baffert, Nick Zito, Bud Delp and Edgar Prado; racing champions Cigar, Ben’s Cat and Knicks Go, and the Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance.
1994 Charlie Whittingham, Trainer
1996 Cigar, 1995 Horse of the Year
1997 Nick Zito, Trainer
1998 Bob Baffert, Trainer
1999 Marty Bass, WJZ-TV
2000 D. Wayne Lukas, Trainer
2001 J. William Boniface, Trainer
2002 John Buren, Broadcast Journalist
2003 Nancy Alberts, Trainer
2004 Bud Delp, Trainer
2005 Rick Wilson, Jockey
2006 Brenda Handleman, Maryland Turf Caterers
2007 Charlsie Cantey, Broadcast Journalist
2008 Mario Pino, Jockey
2009 Harold Snyder, International Sound Corp.
2010 Bobby Lillis, Maryland Horsemen’s Assistance Fund
2011 Lady Legends, Jockeys
2012 & 2013 award not presented
2014 Tim Keefe, Trainer
2015 Ben’s Cat, Maryland Champion
2016 Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance
2017 Scott Wykoff, WBAL Radio
2018 Edgar Prado, Jockey
2020 & 2021 award not presented
2022 Knicks Go, Eclipse Award winner as champion older horse and Horse of the Year for 2021
2023 Cricket Goodall, executive director of the Maryland Horse Breeders Association (MHBA)