With Sierra Leone (#2) on the outside, Forever Young (#11) tries to thread in between him and Catching Freedom (#4) on the rail as Mystik Dan (#3) sprints forward. (Jenny Doyle/Past The Wire)
By Laura Pugh and Ashley Tamulonis
Sierra Leone was the topic of debate entering the Kentucky Derby, and he will be once again going into the Belmont Stakes. In the Kentucky Derby, Laura thought his antics would prove too much to overcome to make a good Kentucky Derby candidate. Ashley believed that the colt’s talent would be enough and that some of the antics pointed out by Laura would be improved.
In a way both were right. The colt’s bearing in throughout the Kentucky Derby stretch likely cost him and Forever Young better placements. However, his talent did have him finish much closer than Laura had anticipated, as Ashley foresaw.
Trainer Chad Brown has since made some changes. Sierra Leone will have a new rider for the Belmont, and quite possibly a new bit. Will these changes help his chances? Laura and Ashley have different takes on the topic.