Jorge Navarro, Randal Gindi Win Asinine Award

September 16, 2017

The winner of the most asinine behavior in racing goes to trainer Jorge Navarro and his owner Randal Gindi. On a video you can watch here the two can be seen yelling “juice” and other ridiculous comments during the running of a race at Monmouth. They went as far as yelling about betting with a bookie and just displayed the most unprofessional obnoxious conduct I have seen in a while at a racetrack and that is saying something.

Considering Jorge Navarro has a history of violations and is not high on the popularity list of trainers amongst bettors and fans he’d keep a low profile. Not so apparently. This is clearly a display of conduct detrimental to racing and the last thing the game needs. If the boasting is true they should be ruled off. People have been for less.

Read about Navarro and Gindi here and watch the video

Great show Jon, thanks!!

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