An Equine Omega Complete Testimonial

March 12, 2019

We added Equine Omega Complete to Make Me Shine’s feeding program right after we got him last summer because, even though he was at a good weight, his nutrition was severely lacking in quality.  His hair coat was dull and his mane was so brittle you would brush it and it would just fall out.  We had him collected and a breeding evaluation done shortly after we got him and his numbers were only okay at best, 2.4 billion cells in the collection and 50% motility fresh, 10% at 24 hours.  Those numbers are scary when you’re hoping to revive a breeding career and especially on a 4x World Champion, but we have had great success with EOC in the past on numerous other horses.  After a full 90 days of improved grain, quality forage, and a good daily dose of Equine Omega Complete, we had him collected again and found that his numbers had TRIPLED to over 7 billion cells with 70-80% motility fresh and 60% at 24 hours.  Needless to say, we were THRILLED.  Floyd’s first collection of this breeding season yielded even better results, with 12 billion cells and motility above 70% at 24 hours!  His story goes to show how important not only good grain and forage are for stallions, but how imperative the Omega-3 supplementation can be for their fertility!  We fully believe in the ability of this product to make an impact on breeding horses!  -Brenna & Lydia Weaver, Superlative Performance Horses LLC

Thank you!

Brenna A. Weaver

Owner, Superlative Equine

P: 706-455-3292


@PastTheWire Thanks for the play and it paid for my year on my first play!!!!!

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