The old grandstand, parts built in 1922, will be dismantled in phase one of the Pimlico Plus Plan. (Marilyn B. Bobby photo)
Maryland Racing’s Pimlico Plus Plan Coming to Fruition
By Maribeth Kalinich
On Friday, May 3, the Maryland Thoroughbred Racing Operating Authority (MTROA) held a meeting where it clarified the first phase of the Pimlico Plus Plan facilitated by the passage of Maryland HB 1524.
The piece of legislation will be signed into law by Maryland Governor Wes Moore at an open signing ceremony on May 9. The ceremony will stream live beginning at 11 a.m. ET on the state YouTube channel.
This action solidifies the agreement between the State of Maryland and The Stronach Group (TSG) to transfer ownership of Pimlico Race Course to the state for the fee of $1.
Once the transfer takes place the plans can become action as early as late summer 2024.
First, the backstretch will be cleared of horses and workers to enable total demolition of this area.
The reasoning behind removing the old brick barns is to have better access to the construction site.
Second, the old wooden grandstand will be carefully dismantled as to reclaim timbers to be used in the design for the new facility.
Once this demolition phase is completed the project will carry through with the design planning. Funding for this phase already exists. The funding for the completion of the project will be obtained through bonds administered by the Maryland Stadium Authority (MSA). The debt service on the bills to be paid from various existing account through slots revenues.
The time estimate for the project is three years.
There is still a proposal to rotate the racing oval and house workers offsite.
The Maryland Jockey Club will come under the purview of the state. All artifacts, etc., will transfer to the state with the exception of the Woodlawn Vase, valued at $7 million, that will be retained by TSG and on loan for the Preakness event.
The new Pimlico entity administered and managed by the MTROA will lease the rights to the Preakness annually from TSG as TSG will lease the facility from the state to hold the event.
The 150th Preakness Stakes will be held at Pimlico with overlay provided for seating and stabling.
After this event, all racing including the 2026 Preakness will move to Laurel Park.
After Preakness 2025 the racing track will be addressed. Full bid package for guaranteed maximum price (GMP) for site work, track and tunnel will be compiled.
A GMP contract sets a maximum price for a construction project, beyond which the contractor absorbs additional costs. Sometimes called a construction manager at risk contract, this type of construction agreement minimizes financial risk for the owner because it sets a project cost limit.
The Bond Council will be interacting with MTROA to maximize the revenues. “Most bang for the buck with the money.” Studies need to be in place for the bonds to be issued early next year.
The infrastructure will be addressed after the demolition phase to allow for upgrades getting to the sites.
To complement the plans a new training facility will be constructed at a yet-to-named site.
MTROA is looking into 501-c4 tax status.
To be tax-exempt as a social welfare organization described in Internal Revenue Code (IRC) section 501(c)(4), an organization must not be organized for profit and must be operated exclusively to promote social welfare.
MTROA stated there were five agreements that needed to be held to in order for this transition to occur.
The Master Agreement transfer all racing by 1/1/2-25 to the MTROA. TSG will conduct Preakness and Black-Eyed Susan events. MTROA will take responsibility for day-to-day racing and MJC. The agreement includes 125-140 live race days per year.
Agreement 2 – The property of Pimlico and all aforementioned transfers to the State of Maryland for $1 on July 1, 2024, With the obligation for TSG is to maintain and take security though Preakness 2025.
Agreement 3 – TSG retains ownership of Laurel Park. MTROA will lease Laurel park for 3 years annual amount of $1 after which it will be $3,500,000 on a prorated basis. It will still be the responsibility for maintaining Laurel using RFRA funds from Rosecroft.
4th agreement – MJC will have license to the Preakness, etc., for 10 years (5-year increments) $3 million (adjusts 2%) and 2% of handle
5th Agreement – TSG loans to MTROA rights of the trophy, the Woodlawn Vase, valued at $7 million.
What Pimlico Could Be
While the powers that be have solid plans for the start of the transformation for Pimlico Race Course, I offer my vision of what the facility truly could be. To benefit the community and to benefit racing.
Close your eyes and follow me on this journey.
The building is clad in the reclaimed bricks from the old backstretch barns with a metal roof and facing. Adorning the sides is a preview of the adventure that lies ahead for all who enter.
You are walking into a building that just dazzled and you are presented a six-foot tall full color duration of the last Preakness winner. Bam! Your senses are awakened.
Travel further and you enter a hallway with museum framed photographs of every Preakness champion. You just walked into the Joseph B. Kelly Media Museum. You enter into a media room with kiosks where patrons can call up a photo to order or watch a restored film or video. The patron is emerged in the excitement of the sport.
Continue to the second level and discover the history of the Maryland Jockey Club and the Jockey Museum.
On the next level will be Old Hilltop in all of her glory as everything Pimlico will be the featured including installation of the Middleman MICA Murals.
The top of the facility will honor the Preakness including a display of the Woodlawn Vase and all other trophies associated with the race.
You will exit the museum through a garden with sculptures of Seabiscuit and War Admiral, restored carousel horses adorned with the colors and personalities of Triple Crown winners and Pimlico champions line up in an antique starting gate. Throughout the garden will be the old grandstand seats acting as park benches with a pavilion in the center constructed of timbers from the old grandstand.
Adjacent to this area will be the equestrian center where people come to learn to ride, and small horse shows will take place. Welcome to City Ranch actually IN the city.
A restaurant and retail gift shop located in the lower level of the parking garage complement the experience. Also located in this area is a theatre/lecture hall to introduce new fans to the world of racing and serve as a movie theatre for the community.
Patrons of the new Pimlico facility will be entranced with the original iron gate from 1870 located in the new paddock area. And they will be amazed at the site of the 30 x 10-foot golden bas relief on the side of the Mid-century modern Pimlico clubhouse.
The newly refurbished clubhouse will be a mix of mid-century modern marvel that is the actual structure with the flavor of the old Victorian charm of the original old members clubhouse that burned down in 1966.
With all of the modern amenities available for patrons, a rooftop deck for the Preakness and special events crowns the facility with an unparalleled view of the city.
On the Backstretch …
The backstretch area should be alive and thriving with proper housing, facilities and amenities for all humans and horses.
There should be ample green space for grazing and turnout of horse stabled at the facility. Likewise, there should be ample green space for the workers and families.

Mr. Frank Stronach had a vision of creating a community working farm on the facility including having site plans prepared. Woodbine has a community garden. Belmont had a community garden. Pimlico should also have a community garden.
To see Mr. Stronach’s “The GUHAH Way” initiative click here. (GUHAH Growing Up Healthy And Happy)
A store of convenience should be located in the area for the workers.
Healthcare and counseling facilities should also be offered.
Backstretch workers are the backbone of the racing industry, and they need to be nurtured to keep the industry healthy.
There should be monthly tours of the backstretch and morning works for the public.
And what better way to show hope than to include the Thoroughbred Retirement Foundation’s Second Chance Farm in some capacity. An example of turning around a life and improving the life of the horses would be inspirational.
Note: The money is also there for a Pimlico Museum!
2015 Maryland Code
§ 9-1A-29 – Racetrack Facility Renewal Account
Universal Citation: MD State Govt Code § 9-1A-29 (2015)
(g) Grant for establishment of horse racing museum at Pimlico Race Course. — Of the amount provided from the Racetrack Facility Renewal Account under subsection (d)(1) of this section, the State Racing Commission may provide direct grant funding for the establishment of a horse racing museum as part of the Pimlico Race Course.
(h) Monitoring of implementation of approved capital construction plan. — After a grant has been provided under this section, the State Racing Commission shall:
(1) in consultation with the Department of General Services, monitor the implementation of the approved capital construction plan; and
(2) make provisions for recapture of grant moneys if the capital construction plan is not implemented within the time frame approved by the State Racing Commission.
(i) Payment of unencumbered funds to Education Trust Fund. — Any unencumbered funds remaining in the Racetrack Facility Renewal Account after a video lottery facility has been in operation for 16 years shall be paid to the Education Trust Fund established under § 9-1A-30 of this subtitle.