337 Entries in Saratoga Fall Mixed 

September 12, 2023

Catalogue for Saratoga Fall Mixed Now Online, Sale Held Oct. 17

Fasig-Tipton Press Release

LEXINGTON, Ky.— Fasig-Tipton has catalogued 337 entries for its Saratoga Fall Mixed Sale, to be held on Tuesday, October 17 in Saratoga Springs, New York.  The sale will be conducted in the Humphrey S. Finney Pavilion and begin at 10 am.

“Following a strong sale last year, this year’s catalogue has grown remarkably by 44%,” said Fasig-Tipton President Boyd Browning.  “There is good quality and diversity among the covering sires in the broodmare offerings, and we have 244 weanlings catalogued – nearly all of which are New York-bred.  There is plenty for buyers to choose from at Saratoga Fall this year.”

The catalogue may now be viewed online and will also be available via the equineline sales catalogue app.  Print catalogues will be available by September 18.

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